
Assignment name  : sort_list
Expected files   : sort_list.c
Allowed functions: 

Write the following functions:

t_list	*sort_list(t_list* lst, int (*cmp)(int, int));

This function must sort the list given as a parameter, using the function 
pointer cmp to select the order to apply, and returns a pointer to the 
first element of the sorted list.

Duplications must remain.

Inputs will always be consistent.

You must use the type t_list described in the file list.h 
that is provided to you. You must include that file 
(#include "list.h"), but you must not turn it in. We will use our own 
to compile your assignment.

Functions passed as cmp will always return a value different from 
0 if a and b are in the right order, 0 otherwise.

For example, the following function used as cmp will sort the list 
in ascending order:

int ascending(int a, int b)
	return (a <= b);
#include "list.h"

void	swap_values(t_list *a, t_list *b)
	int swap = a->data;
	a->data = b->data;
	b->data = swap;

t_list	*sort_list(t_list* lst, int (*cmp)(int, int))
	int swapped = 1;
	t_list *cur = lst;

	while (swapped == 1)
		swapped = 0;
		while (cur != 0 && cur->next != 0)
			if (cmp(cur->data, cur->next->data) == 0)
				swap_values(cur, cur->next);
				swapped = 1;
			cur = cur->next;
		cur = lst;
	return (lst);

// #include <stdio.h>
// #include <stdlib.h>

// int ascending(int a, int b)
// {
// 	return (a <= b);
// }

// int	main(void)
// {
// 	t_list *c = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	c->next = 0;
// 	c->data = 45;

// 	t_list *b = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	b->next = c;
// 	b->data = 73;

// 	t_list *a = malloc(sizeof(t_list));
// 	a->next = b;
// 	a->data = 108;

// 	t_list *cur = a;
// 	while (cur)
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", cur->data);
// 		cur = cur->next;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");

// 	cur = sort_list(a, ascending);

// 	// cur = a;
// 	while (cur)
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", cur->data);
// 		cur = cur->next;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");
// }