
Assignment name  : ft_range
Expected files   : ft_range.c
Allowed functions: malloc

Write the following function:

int     *ft_range(int start, int end);

It must allocate (with malloc()) an array of integers, fill it with consecutive
values that begin at start and end at end (Including start and end !), then
return a pointer to the first value of the array.


- With (1, 3) you will return an array containing 1, 2 and 3.
- With (-1, 2) you will return an array containing -1, 0, 1 and 2.
- With (0, 0) you will return an array containing 0.
- With (0, -3) you will return an array containing 0, -1, -2 and -3.
#include <stdlib.h>

int		absolute_value(int n)
	if (n < 0)
		return (-n);
	return (n);

int		*ft_range(int start, int end)
	int number_of_ints;
	int *array;
	int step;
	int i;

	number_of_ints = 1 + absolute_value(end - start);
	array = malloc(sizeof(int) * number_of_ints);

	if (start < end)
		step = 1;
		step = -1;

	i = 0;
	while (i < number_of_ints)
		array[i] = start;
		start = start + step;
	return (array);

// #include <stdio.h>

// int		main(void)
// {
// 	int start = -1;
// 	int end = 2;

// 	int *arr = ft_range(start, end);

// 	int i = 0;
// 	while (i < 1 + absolute_value(end - start))
// 	{
// 		printf("%d, ", arr[i]);
// 		++i;
// 	}
// 	printf("\n");
// }