
Nova image resize error [openstack rdo liberty]

On controller node

usermod -s /bin/bash nova

generate ssh key (without a passphrase)

# su nova
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

configure ssh to not to do host verification

$ cat << EOF > ~/.ssh/config 
>Host * 
>StrictHostKeyChecking no 

$ cat ~/.ssh/ > .ssh/authorized_keys 
$ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

$cd /var/lib/nova
$tar -cvf ssh.tar .ssh/*
#cd ~nova
#scp ssh.tar compute1:/var/lib/nova
#scp ssh.tar compute2:/var/lib/nova

on compute node (compute1 and compute2)

# usermod -s /bin/bash nova
# cd /var/lib/nova
# chown nova:nova ssh.tar 
# su - nova 
$  ls -la 
$  tar -xvf ssh.tar

now run on controller node

#su nova
$ ssh compute1

at this point you should be able ssh as nova on compute1.
